Spencer Sullivan


I am a recent graduate from California State University Northridge with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I have a passion for embedded systems, robotics, and all things software. I have professional experience, including 3 years at NASA JPL. I also recently completed a robotics focused senior capstone project as part of a team competing in SAE Aero Design West 2024. Details on both of those can be found below.

Software Engineer & Embedded Systems Developer.

The basics.

  • Degree: Bachelor's, Computer Science
  • Email: spencer.sullivan@gmail.com
  • Consulting: Available
  • City: Los Angeles, CA

I am not seeking a full time position at this time, but I am available for consulting work. If you have a project that you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to me via email.


Here's a few of my primary skills and my confidence level in them.

C/++ 80%
JAVA 75%


Here's my most recent professional and educational experience.


Spencer Sullivan

A recent graduate and driven engineer with experience in operations, large scale data processing, and embedded systems.

  • Los Angeles, CA
  • spencer.sullivan@gmail.com


Bachelor's of Computer Science

2021 - 2024

California State University Northridge

  • Lead team member in CSUN SAE Aero West 2024 senior design competition.
  • Led the design, testing, and manufacturing of a 3 wheeled autonomous ground vehicle.
  • 175 gram vehicle can autonomously navigate obstacle course with 1800 gram payload.
  • Features a toolless assembly process. All parts manufactured in house.
  • Assisted in the development of a YOLO V8 based object detection model written in Python and running on a Linux flight computer.
  • Final result: 3rd place in technical presentation, 6th overall. Total of 13 international teams.
  • Skills: C/++, Firmware, Arduino, servo control, I2C, sensors, control systems, 3D printing, PCB design, soldering, wiring, Linux, Python, systems integration, leadership, team management, etc.

Community College

2019 - 2021

Pasadena City College

Completed a variety of CS related course work before transfer to CSUN.

Professional Experience

Academic Part Time Operations Engineer

2020 - 2023

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

  • Part time employee on the data processing operations team of an earth science mission.
  • Develop, test, and maintain technical documentation on internal wiki.
  • Perform nominal operations of science data system under lead operators.
  • Develop, test, and maintain operations command line tools in Python.
  • Develop, test, and maintain slack bot based alert system for 24/7 operations monitoring.
  • Spearheaded a major reprocessing campaign that finished 3 months early.
  • Skills: Python, BASH, version control/Git/Github, Agile, Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, scripting, automation, cron, Agile, issue tracking, code review, coding standards, testing, teamwork, written and verbal communication, task management, task ownership, etc



NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

  • Part time 16 week internship for the Hybrid Cloud Science Data System (HySDS)
  • Paired with a partner intern to develop and implement documentation standards for HySDS, which was recently made open source.
  • See my SCaLE 2020 conference talk: “HySDS: Ok, but what the hell is it?”
  • Skills: Technical documentation, Confluence, issue tracking, Agile, teamwork, etc.


Coming Soon!


I can be contacted via the email listed below.


Los Angeles, CA

